
We are one of the voices of the voiceless.


We are their voice!

Through community outreach, fundraising and education, we will bring positive solutions to help the animals God has entrusted to us.

How We Help

Community Outreach

One of our goals at AAF is to offer assistance and solutions to our neighbors and community when they are faced with hardships and can no longer care for their animals. We want to help with positive actions so  animals do not end up in harmful situations. 


So many of the issues that our animals face are due to actions or lack of action taken by our government. AAF works with coalitions and proactive groups to try and educate our leaders on policies that are not aligned with the wellbeing of our animals.

Supporting Our Existing Rescues

We want to help existing and new rescues grow and offer more assistance to the animals that need them. Through strategic partnerships and corporate support, we are building a fund that will be used to offer grants and assistance to rescues and animals in need. 

Community Outreach

One of our goals at AAF is to offer assistance and solutions to our neighbors and community when they are faced with hardships and can no longer care for their animals. We want to help with positive actions so  animals do not end up in harmful situations. 


So many of the issues that our animals face are due to actions or lack of action taken by our government. AAF works with coalitions and proactive groups to try and educate our leaders on policies that are not aligned with the wellbeing of our animals.

Working With Rescues

We want to help existing and new rescues grow and offer more assistance to the animals that need them. Through strategic partnerships and corporate support, we are building a fund that will be used to offer grants and assistance to rescues and animals in need. 

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Join Our Team

Our team is ready to help feed, find homes or provide care for animals in need. Are you up for the challenge? We welcome all levels of help!

Our team needs compassionate and kind volunteers to help with fundraising and special projects. If you feel the desire to help, please contact us!

Board of Directors

Kathy Kelly
Linda Bennett
Rebecca Clark

We are one of the voices of the voiceless.

Through fundraising, education and community outreach, we hope to change the lives of the animals that God has blessed us with on our earth. 

Our History

Anything Animal Foundation, a 501(c) 3, was formed in 2017. Founder, Kathy Kelly, knew that one day her passion for animals would become her mission. Having rescued all of her animals from bad situations and experiencing the unconditional love and gratitude they give is what inspired the creation of Anything Animal Foundation

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Let's bring our abilities and passions together to affect real change.

There are many ways to join us and support our mission. Contact us to find out  more about volunteer opportunities, fundraising events, and ways that you can get  our message to your friends and family.

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Together, we can do more than we can do alone. A nonprofit is as strong as the community that holds it up.